We believe collaboration and partnerships between all levels of governments and sectors and the community is needed for successful climate adaptation. More can be achieved if we work together and share our experiences, knowledge and resources.

Our collective voice has a greater ability to influence decisions impacting eastern Adelaide and our participation ensures our region is represented and advocated for to produce the best outcomes.

Resilient East plays a key role in advocacy to achieve desired outcomes. Our advocacy efforts and submissions are listed below under the headings Urban Forest, Planning and Design Code and Emergency Management.

Urban Forests

  • We commend Green Adelaide for drafting the Urban Greening Strategy and extend our appreciation for the State Government's recent planning changes, which aim to better protect Adelaide’s urban tree canopy and safeguard large and mature trees.

    Resilient East has long advocated for improved tree protection measures through stronger regulatory mechanisms, and this change will help to ensure approaches in South Australia align with measures in other jurisdictions across Australia. 

    We acknowledge this Strategy is an important step forward for urban greening. 

    You can read our submission here.

    Click here to learn more about Green Adelaide's Urban Greening Strategy and consultation efforts.

  • Resilient East took the opportunity to contribute a submission regarding the definition of ‘stand or avenue of vegetation’ under the Electricity (Principles of Vegetation Clearance) Regulations 2021.

    You can read our submission here.

  • Our submission as part of the Environment, Resources and Development Parliamentary Committee’s Inquiry into Urban Forests, here (then click Environment, Resources and Development Committee >> Inquiry into the Urban Forest >> Submissions >> Resilient East), or go straight to our submission document here.

    Note: This submission does not reflect formal Council endorsement by any of the constituent Councils. This input complements feedback from contributing Councils and provides a perspective from the Local Government members of the Resilient East Steering Group. Several councils also put in submissions and we have lots of consistent messaging.

  • In May 2020, the Natural Resources Committee (NRC) resolved to inquire into urban green spaces, and in particular the benefits, opportunities, challenges associated with urban strategic planning, biodiversity, water management, primary production, climate change impact projections.

    Resilient East entered a submission to NRC on 29 July, 2020. Read our submission here.

    Resilient East was asked to present to NRC on December 12, 2020. 

    Our top three points:

    1. Retaining existing greening as a higher priority than finding space and planting new.

    2. Future proofing to replace with ‘climate ready’ rather than ‘like for like’, planning well and raising minimum standards.

    3. Leadership of mapping to coordinate information to plan, track and manage collective efforts, and strategically increase the space available for increasing urban greening.

    On 27 May 2021, the NRC tabled their findings and recommendations in a report to Parliament. This included several recommendations from Resilient East and others. You can view the report here.

young trees in front of an apartment block alongside a street

Planning and Design Code

South Australia underwent the biggest modernisation of its planning system in 20 years with the implementation of planning reforms and a digital ePlanning system, under a new Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. It replaces all council development plans (and the Development Act 1993) and become the single source of planning policy for assessing development applications. During its development through consultation, there was an opportunity to provide feedback. Below is ours.

  • The draft policy for the Government of South Australia Planning and Design Code that applies to Phase Three councils (urban areas) was on consultation from 1 October, 2019 to 28 February, 2020.

    Check out our submission here on the first draft.

    Consultation for the second draft occurred late 2020. See our second submission here. For more information on the outcomes of this engagement visit PlanSA.

  • South Australia’s new planning system aims to modernise planning and development across the state.

    View the feedback we provided here, or, for more on the outcomes of this engagement visit PlanSA.

  • As a statutory instrument under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, the State Planning Policies outline the planning and design ambitions for South Australia and will guide both regional and metropolitan planning and development in the future.

    View the feedback we provided here, or, for more on the outcomes of this engagement visit PlanSA.

building in adelaide with plants and flowers growing on the side of it - green infrastructure

Emergency Management

  • The Department of the Premier and Cabinet has conducted a review of the Emergency Management Act 2004.

    A comprehensive review of the Act is required to ensure that the legislation empowers SA to prepare for, respond to and recover from emerging hazards and extended events.

    Resilient East appreciated the opportunity to provide input on this important issue and you can read our submission here.